Another passion of mine is our two greyhounds, Maeve and Bobbi. Both girls are retired racers, and they are eight and seven years old, respectively. Maeve was a pretty good racer; she ran 103 races and won 21 of them. Bobbi wasn’t as good. She ran 38 races and won only one (race data is available on the Greyhound Data Web site). They are both very sweet dogs and, as is common with the breed, very lazy. They probably sleep around 19 hours a day – one of the reasons the breed are known as 40-mile-an-hour couch potatoes.
We also foster greyhounds occasionally. We’ve had a total of nine so far (including Bobbi, who we “failed” at fostering). We currently have a boy named Kelly. He’s about a year-and-a-half old, and came to us from the farm. He never raced.
Our friend Katie Stacey from the Heartland Greyhound Association and the Omaha Greyhound Lovers cult group is also a wonderful photographer and recently took a bunch of pictures of our two hounds. They are below. Maeve is the fawn colored one, and Bobbi is the blue brindle. Katie also has some hounds of her own, including a staghound named Wash. I created a Web site for her a while back.